Rev. Dawn Salary
Second Baptist Church East End
Newport News, VA 23607
Daily Bible Readings
■MONDAY: “Timothy, My Brother and Co-Worker” (1 Thessalonians 3:1-6)
■TUESDAY: “David Slays Philistine with a Stone” (1 Samuel 17:41-51)
■WEDNESDAY: “David and Jonathan Bond Together” (1 Samuel 18:1-5)
■THURSDAY: “Saul Jealous of and Fears David” (1 Samuel 18:12-18)
■FRIDAY: “Jonathan Asserts David as Next King” (1 Samuel 23:14-18)
■SATURDAY: “David Provides for Jonathan’s Son Mephibosheth” (2 Samuel 9:1-10)
■SUNDAY: “Saul Promises to Preserve David’s Life” (1 Samuel 19:1-7)